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Over the past half-century, hearing aid manufacturers have utilized many new technologies to bring an enhanced quality of sound to hearing instrument wearers. Broader-band transducers and sophisticated circuitry, all in ultra-miniature packaging with greater durability, have resulted in better hearing instruments.

Microsonic has kept pace with the technological growth of the industry through the years, and has introduced numerous new materials, styles and acoustic options which allow for maximum utilization of the manufacturers' innovations. An important result of this work is that is now easier for the dispenser to offer improved technologies to clients.

At Microsonic we have found that the best result in quality hearing aid fittings are achieved when the laboratory and fitter work together as a team. That relationship between lab and fitter is characterized by respect, trust and mutual suggestions for the benefit of the client. Microsonic adds additional aspect to that relationship with a willingness to innovate, and by taking the responsibility of disseminating new earmold technology information as it is developed and reported.

The production of an earmold involves a myriad of variables in a number of different areas. These begin with the anatomy of the external ear, and include the impression taking skills of the fitter, the fitter's critique of his or her own impressions, potential changes in the impression during shipment, careful selection of the lab's options, and the accuracy and precision of the laboratory technicians in the final processing.