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Disclaimer Microsonic, Inc. does not accept liability arising out of the use, the misuse or the inability to use any accessory, tool or product described herein, or any accessory, tool or product subsequently offered for sale by Microsonic, Inc. The user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connection with these accessories, tools and products.
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Questions About Impression Materials and Applications
The questions and answers below can help you choose the right impression material. We also include tips for practitioners and others who have patient needs and responsibilities.
Frequently Asked Questions
What impression materials do you recommend: low, medium or higher viscosity? Do you recommend the same material for the pediatric and adult impression? And why? Microsonic recommends higher-than-average viscosity impression materials for many everyday applications. A higher-viscosity material is also recommended for open-jaw impressions. For deep-canal ITE aids, however, a lower-viscosity material may be beneficial in fully reaching the portion of the ear canal beyond the second bend, especially if the bend is pronounced. However, it is important that this lower-viscosity material have high shear (tear) strength to insure easy and complete removal after setup. In general, the lower-viscosity material is good for pediatric impressions, as it is less likely to deform the very soft pinna.
Do you recommend the patient to move their jaw while the impression material cures in the ear or not? Absolutely not. This practice distorts the canal shape and diameter. The jaw should remain either open or closed while the impression cures.
Do you recommend the same technique for pediatric and adult impressions? And why? We recommend that the person doing the impression at least try syringing the material into the pediatric ear. If the child will permit and the oto-block can be cut to a small enough size. There may be cases where it is necessary to hand-pack the material, especially in those instances where a canal block would prohibit the taking of a competent impression. PLEASE NOTE THAT MICROSONIC DOES NOT ENDORSE NON-USE OF A CANAL BLOCK, but we recognize that extremely competent dispensers occasionally make impressions without them. There will also be cases in which the child is frightened by the syringe, or especially by the impression gun, and hand packing will be required.
Do you recommend the use of an impression or an impression injector (gun)? What kind? We recommend the impression syringe, and offer the Microsonic Universal Syringe (it works equally well with any material) in two nozzle sizes; standard and CIC/pediatric. While we also offer injector guns and material, our experience is that most people make better impressions with the syringe. Naturally, there are exceptions, but we nonetheless recommend the syringe. Additionally, the gun itself tends to frighten children.
Do you recommend the same impression technique and material for all hearing instruments, or do your recommendations depend, for example, on the hearing instrument style or the patient degree of hearing loss? While we would like to believe that all impressions can be made to the same standard, we recognize that dispensers will change the technique depending on style and gain, as well as on individual ear anatomy. Obviously, a shorter canal will work for a low-gain BTE aid, for example, than for a CIC instrument. Though we feel it is best to develop ONE impressioning style, we can accept an impression that is competent for the job that its resultant earmold/shell is intended to do.
Tubing Reference Chart
Standard N.A.E.L. Tubing (In Inches)
Inside Diameter
Outside Diameter
Double Wall
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