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Wax Blaster MD®

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: From $23.50 to $29.65

WAX BLASTER MD is the latest innovation from Eosera in ear irrigation devices.
It is affordable, easy to use, and provides more control than a standard rinsing bulb.

WAX BLASTER MD  with EAR CLEAN MD helps to gently cleanse the ear canal, rinsing
away wax, oil, and debris while reduce irritation by moisturizing the skin of the ear canal.

Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Erythritol, Colloidal Oatmeal, Panthenol (pro-vitamin B5)

Contents: 3 Premixed Packets of EAR CLEAN MD (10oz Bottle), 1 Extender Tip, 3 Ggreen Ddisposable Tips, 1 Ergonomically Designed Rinsing Basin